Recipe: Appetizing Ratatouille 🥰

Delicious, fresh and Recettes.

Ratatouille 🥰. It was the eighth film produced by Pixar. Зарубежные, полнометражные. Режиссер: Брэд Бёрд, Ян Пинкава. В ролях: Пэттон Освальт, Иэн Холм, Лу Романо и др. Добрый, семейный и комедийный мультфильм. Язык: RU. I checked out a sneak preview of Ratatouille last night, and I must say I truly loved this movie. Everything from the animation to the score to the voice acting to the story (and especially the story).

Ratatouille 🥰 For those who are not satisfied. Комедия, фэнтези, мультфильм. Режиссер: Брэд Бёрд. В ролях: Брэд Гэррет, Иэн Холм, Пэттон Освальт и др. Add a dash of magic to transform your next video call background into one of your favorite Pixar destinations! You can have Ratatouille 🥰 using 6 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Ratatouille 🥰

  1. You need 250 g of courgette.
  2. It's 1 of oignon.
  3. You need 4 of tomates 🍅.
  4. It's 3 gousse of d’ail.
  5. Prepare 2 cuillère à soupe of ketchup.
  6. It's of Sel poivre.

Ratatouille 🥰 step by step

  1. Peler et couper en morceau courgettes tomate et oignon, puis les faire revenir avec de l’huile.
  2. Une fois le tout bien revenu ajouter l’ail et le ketchup et laisser mijoter à couvert.